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Safari to Nortehern Circuit

If arriving to Tanzania for the first time with only a week of travel time, its better than nothing, and short seven days will give you a taste of Tanzania. Before planning a week in Tanzania ask your self what is your top priority to see in Tanzania in only a week. If your appetite for wilderness is huge, then splurge on a decent safari and fly directly to Kilimnajaro airport to save on travel time. To save even more on travel time and maximise the time on safari in Tanzanian national parks, book a fly in safari. Fly in safaris are safaris that incorporate flights instead of drives from one park to another. Since each national park has small airstrip, this is the most convenient time saver. If visiting in the time of great migration between November and June, your final safari destination should be Serengeti. In this case book at least two nights in Serengeti and dont skip safari to Ngorongoro Crater. If you want to visit all parks in Northern circuit and maybe even remote Lake Eyasi with Hadza tribe, whole week will be just enough to enjoy safari on a reasonably decent pace. Anything less in this case is waste of money and time, as you will be rushing from park to park as distances between Tanzanian parks are huge.

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