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Welcome to Marine Parks

A Marine Park is a specialised version of a marine reserve where various community users and habitation is encouraged through a strict zonation scheme, and emphasis on education, recreation and preservation is highly recommended through participatory management approaches. Good Luck!

Fish Species

The Park has more than 380 fish species. Whale Shark has been a remarkable attraction to the most of tourists visiting to Mafia. Tourists swim friendly along with the world largest fish.

Coral Reefs Mafia Island Marine Park has pristine habitats including coral reefs which are homes of different marine organisms and bears a greater species diversity.

Marine Mammals It is believed that the remnants of dugongs are still in the Mafia/Rufiji Sea Scape. Humpback whales and sperm whales are migratory species that can be seen in the area from August to November. Resident mammals include some species of dolphins.

Beach The Park has pristine beaches which are potential for tourism development especially along the eastern shores of the Mafia Island.

Historical Site Mafia has spectacular ruins which reveal ancient settlement and makes it become among the ancient world. Cultural artifacts dated 600 B.C. The Kua and submerged Kisimani ruins are important marine archeological sites located in the Park area.

Fruit bats Mafia Island is home to large colony of fruit bats flying foxes (Pteropussychellensis comorensis) only found on the Islands of Mafia, Seychelles and Comoros.

Sea Turtles The most common species are green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtle (Eratmochelys imbricate).

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